Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Michael Bane - PodCast - Video

Michael Bane defies stereotypes. He has leveraged a career as a journalist, author, professional adventurer and acknowledged expert on firearms into some of the most innovative — and successful — shooting sports programming in the world.


Down Range Radio - PodCast

Down Range Radio #618: Red Flag Laws


Found at the Concealed Carry Expo

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Do Ankle Holsters Really Work?

Richard Mann gives you the:

Pros and Cons of Ankle Carry

An ankle holster works well when drawing from positions other than standing.


Pistol Caliber Carbine: New or Old?

Interesting article by Sheriff Jim Wilson:

Pistol-caliber carbines are popular now, once more illustrating that what's old is new again. I have always had an affinity for pistol-caliber carbines, specifically the lever actions. Back in the 1970s, I bought a Marlin Model 1894 in .44 Mag. and set out to do some mild customizing work to meet my needs. I had a gunsmith cut the barrel and magazine tube to 16 inches and re-crown the muzzle. A ramp front sight was installed with a brass bead. Then he removed the rear sight and instead mounted a Williams Foolproof peep sight on the receiver.


Thursday, May 9, 2019

Go Back to Basics and Survive a Gunfight

We should do everything we can to avoid a violent conflict. The key is found in the words of Bat Masterson. Masterson is quoted as saying that three things were important to survive a gunfight—deliberation, accuracy, and speed—in that order.

Interesting article by Sheriff Jim Wilson