As of the end of March 2019:
Updated Ohio Gun Law Changes:
1 - The State now must disprove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant acted in self-defense.
2 - The standard for use of lethal force remains unchanged. Lethal force remains a tool of last resort. If there are other options that can be exercised safely, a victim must use those before using deadly force. Those using lethal force will still be expected to articulate that they were honestly and reasonably in fear of immediate and unavoidable death or great bodily harm.
3 - Ohio law now mirrors Federal law on the definition of a sawed-off shotgun. The Mossberg Shockwave, Remington Tac-14, and future similarly styled guns will now be legal in Ohio.
4 - There will now be increased penalties for straw purchase of firearms for prohibited persons. This has been federal law for years, but this will now allow state authorities to prosecute crimes where federal cases may be less than forthcoming.
5 - If guns are banned, there is a requirement to post a sign. If guns are permitted, there is no requirement to post a sign.
It's nice that the standard for use of lethal force remains unchanged for citizens. As a citizen I would much rather retreat than shoot and kill someone who is a threat to me. I would also like to see the perpetrators encounter law enforcement before they encounter me or any other citizen. For law enforcement, there's a different standard and lethal force is often the first response, not the last. Law enforcement has no "duty to retreat" as citizens do. Bad actors need to take note of that if they expect to remain above ground.